Showtime series Californication came to an end last night and the finale was tremendous. After seven years of incredibly insane behavior and …
Everybody’s A F**kin’ Critic: The Episode In Which Californication Got Its Groove Back
The title of the latest episode of Californication couldn’t be more perfect. After the last few episodes relied way too much on shock …
Californication Is Breaking My Heart
I just watched the season five finale of Californication and I was not impressed. In fact I was completely let down. On January 9 I wrote …
Californication Season 5 Premiere
SPOILER ALERT! Tonight one of my favorite shows on television premiered and although what I love about the show is still the same (biting …
I love me some Hank Moody!
I’m not sure why more people don’t watch Californication. Is it because it’s on Showtime and people don’t want to deal with paying for it? …