I don’t usually use my website as a platform for writing about my personal life but now that we are six weeks out from our son’s due date, and I love lists, I thought I’d get few out there:
Top ten toughest aspects of pregnancy:
10) You’re constantly waiting. 9) Feeling tired all the time. 8) Watching yourself gain weight. 7) It feels like you’re always left behind and missing out on everything. 6) You’re constantly being told what you can’t do, can’t drink, and can’t eat. 5) Difficulty sleeping through the night. 4) People’s unsolicited advice, stories, and comments. 3) Random humans asking whether or not you’re planning to breastfeed or if the pregnancy was planned. 2) Maintaining a positive attitude. 1) Keeping in mind that it’s all for a good cause.
Top ten positive aspects of pregnancy:
10) Hearing the heartbeat for the first time. 9) People telling you that you’re glowing. 8) When your significant other can feel the baby moving around in your belly. 7) Getting good news from your doctor. 6) Finding out that your baby is healthy and finding out the gender. 5) Telling friends and family the exciting news. 4) The look on your significant other’s face during ultrasounds. 3) Decorating the baby’s room. 2) Hearing that you’re going to be awesome parents. 1) Choosing a name for your child and keeping it between just the two of you.
After an extremely long winter, I’m happy to see spring. Today I’m 34 weeks pregnant and our baby is the size of a pineapple. We are anxious and excited for June 6.
YAAAAY for baby boy F. Can’t wait to meet that little rockstar. Love his “rad” parents so much xoxox. #proudauntie
We’re excited for Auntie Carly to come visit once Baby F arrives!
Good stuff! Exciting times! Happy for you xo.
Thank you Larry! We’re excited as well. How are things with you and your family?