My mother was my first friend. People love to say that they have known someone “since day one.” In reality, my mom is the only person who has known me since day one of my life and has been there for me for every step of the way. I will strive to do the same for Fleet.
Patience is key. I’ve never been a patient person, but having a baby has forced me to become more patient in all things – especially in terms of making decisions with my significant other, staying calm when Fleet is upset, and dealing with flawed entities like daycare and Colorado Mountain Medical.
Hangovers are not even close to worth it. Even if you don’t have a kid, hangovers are miserable – I’ve had plenty over the years – but being hungover and having to take care of a toddler is a nightmare. Not. Worth. It.
Planning makes the days happen. As a card-carrying list and calendar person, I was already well-versed in the importance of organization before having a kid. But having one, along with two dogs, is a whole new level. While I’ve definitely gotten better at getting out with all three of them, sometimes I feel like I need about five extra hands. Also, it quickly became clear that play dates and spending time outside is vital.
Comparing sucks. Having a kid and observing other people with their kids is a reminder that everyone does things their own way and “each to their own” has never been more relevant. So when people spend valuable time and energy comparing their children to others all it does is exhaust everyone. And it makes me roll my eyes.
Fleet has made me a better human. Watching him experience, see, do, and learn new things is amazing. There really is something to be said about seeing the world through the eyes of a child. Hearing Fleet say “Dada” and “Mama” never gets old. Watching him kick a soccer ball, scrunch his nose when he smiles, and pet Sedona and Zephyr (we’re working on him doing this softly) is really fun. And seeing photos of him carrying around a speaker when I’m on the radio is everything. While nothing about having a kid is easy, it’s definitely worth it. The older they get the more fun they are – which is exactly what my mother used to say about me!
Carly says
1 more observation: AWESOME people make AWESOME kids.
Steph says
what she said!
Laura says
Laura says
AWESOME people also have AWESOME friends! Thanks for reading!
Dina Berg says
brings tears to my eyes!❤️
Laura says
Thanks for reading Dina!
kari reynolds wedell says
Love this so much! Agree to all of it!
Laura says
Thanks for reading!
Shaina says
Love this! So happy you’re having this experience. Fleet is the luckiest!
Laura says
Me too 🙂