-The Boss – an American classic. And was it me or did Sir Paul look like he wished he could still move like that?
-Has LL Cool J turned into Preacher Cool J? I felt like I was in church during his initial monologue and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
-The clip of Whitney’s Grammy performance from The Bodyguard days made me sad that she’s gone – what an incredible voice.
-Bruno Mars! Wow! Clearly he was channeling Elvis and James Brown and although I’m not his biggest fan I loved those dance moves and his performance overall. And the fact that he told the audience to get off their rich asses and dance!
-Bonnie Raitt and Alicia Keys – class acts with as much talent as they have Grammys of their own.
-Adele was looking good and bombshell blonde as she accepted an endless stream of Grammy gold! So excited for her.
-Not sure how I feel about Chris Brown post-Rihannagate (or those MJ crotch grabs) but that kid can dance!
-Rod has a crush on Reba McEntire that has been going on for 20 years. Just sayin’
-Is Kelly Clarkson engaged?? Look at that rock!
-I think it’s hilarious that Jack Black referred to the Grammy Awards as “The Grams.”
-Dave Fucking Grohl! If you haven’t seen the Foo Fighters live before please do so immediately.
-Rihanna’s dance extravaganza totally kicked Chris Brown’s dance extravaganza’s ass! Also, the transition from her show to Coldplay’s show was seamless – nice job.
-What a great speech Grohl made – I hope he inspired kids all over the world to pick up instruments and do their best.
-The Beach Boys looked a little out of it….
-On the other hand, Stevie Wonder looked and sounded fabulous.
-Although I think Taylor Swift is overrated I really liked her stripped down barnyard banjo performance of “Mean.” Nice to see her de-glammed and killing it.
-When Katy Perry was performing it was clear she had Russell Brand on her mind – and was probably wishing she could throw him in all those flames behind her.
-Adele’s performance brought everyone in the house to their feet. And I’m hoping the guy who broke her heart to his knees.
-Glen Campbell was awesome and so is “Rhinestone Cowboy.”
-Tony Bennett has 17 Grammys – wow. Just wow.
-Congrats to Carrie Underwood for being able to hold her own next to such a legend.
-Bon Iver: Worst Grammy speech ever.
-Too many losses this year: Whitney Houston, Etta James, Amy Winehouse, Steve Jobs, Heavy D, Nate Dogg, Dobie Gray and Clarence Clemons, among others.
-Jennifer Hudson did Whitney proud with her rendition of “I Will Always Love You.” I still have the chills.
-Was a second Chris Brown performance really necessary? Probably not. I did like his nod to Run-DMC though.
-Was a second performance by the Foo Fighters necessary? Absolutely.
-Adele’s finally speech was so genuine. What an amazing year she’s had.
-Dueling guitars is definitely the way to finish off the Grammys. So fun!
Nina says
Bon Iver’s acceptance speech can be explained by his statements last year about the whole Grammys being a joke – I don’t think he cared. But what’s up with giving him Best New Artist when his first CD came out in 2007?
The most disturbing thing about the Grammys this year was how, after Chris Brown’s first performance, thousands of girls – most teenagers – started tweeting “I’d let Chris Brown beat me any time – he’s hot!” Seriously, what’s wrong with these girls?
LOVED Foo Fighters, Adele and Katy Perry, but WTF was up with Nicki Minaj’s performance?? Weird.
Laura says
There needs to be some kind of ruling on what constitutes a “new” artist because if Bon Iver’s first disc came out in 2007 but he gained popularity in the last year then is that why he qualified?
I heard about the Chris Brown tweets – so gross.
Nicki Minaj is crazy – her performance made me think that she was trying to pull a Lady Gaga move and be different but it ended up just being terrible.
Other than that I think all around it was a great awards show!
Nina says
I tried looking for rules of eligibility for Best New Artist, but couldn’t find anything. Guess it’s up to them each year.
Carly Brown says
I must say I had so much fun watching the Grammy’s last night! I thought LL Cool J did a fantastic job, and it’s funny you mentioned the preacher thing because Justin said that too last night….also in the best way possible. If you played a drinking game where you had to take a shot everytime he licked his lips I would be getting my stomach pumped before the first commercial break. Just sayin’.
I L-O-V-E-D the Beach Boys tribute. I think they picked modern bands that could do them justice, and “Good Vibrations” is my favorite (even though they look like dinosaurs). Nicki Minaj is the bastard lovechild of Lady Gaga and Lil’ Kim. What a weirdo. I thought the audience-wide prayer from Deacon Cool J for Whitney in the beginning was actually pretty classy. They honored her but not in the way that it became the “Remember Whitney Houston Show” instead of the Grammys. I did, however, think it was weird that there was less than zero musical tribute to Amy Winehouse.
The Foo Fighters never disappoint. Loved how they “classed it up” a bit by throwing blazers on over their t-shirts. I heard an interview with Dave Grohl recently how (I believe it was because his mother is a public speaking teacher or something) his mother taught him you should never read an acceptance speech. It always sounds better when you speak directly to your audience. I thought that angle brought that enduring charm to his speech as well as to all of Adele’s 834 speeches.She is rolling in some Grammys!!! Her ex-boyfriend DOES deserve a Grammy!